Your Top 5 Favorites from January were a great round-up of all my favorite things. My go-to beauty tools, fave jeans, an amazing jacket and stylish sneakers.
Here’s the list and how I styled them.
Puffer Coat
I’m in love with this puffer coat. Read the full review here. It’s soft, comfy and super chic. It also comes in different colors and fabrics.
I wore these at Disneyland two days in a row and they are just as comfortable as my workout sneakers. I love the off-white tone. It adds a pop and stylish contrast that all white sneakers just don’t have.
Fave Jeans
I’ve worn these jeans to death and they just keep getting better and better. This is Japanese denim at its finest. The cut is perfection and well worth the investment.
Make-up Brushes
These foundation brushes are my go-to. I love the handle-less one for travel and keeping in my purse.
Wool & Cashmere Shampoo
I’m pretty much done with dry cleaners – read why here – and prefer to launder my clothes at home. This wool and cashmere shampoo is a must-have for all my sweaters.