2020 Goals
I started off the year with some very specific goals. With the exception of waking up early, I stuck with them all!
I have never posted more consistently on this blog in my life. I maintained an average of 3 posts per week and did so despite shooting the least amount of content we ever have in the history of In Spades. I’m so proud of this and had so much fun doing it.
I also exercised more this year than I ever have in my entire life. Since getting a Peloton, I’ve only taken 5 days off from working out. Who am I?!
Both of these things greatly contributed to feeling a sense of normalcy in a very abnormal time.
Pandemic Life
With my good consistency also came some not-so-good consistency. I will of course blame the pandemic, but I drank more wine this year than I ever have. I consistently went to bed later than I ever have. Coming from someone who loves to be in bed by 9:30pm, that’s saying something.
I worry that my daughter watched too much TV this year. Did she get enough mental stimulation? Creative enrichment? Did I do a good enough job as a parent for her this year? For all the families out there juggling full-time work and childcare – I feel you.
At the start of 2020, I never would have thought one of my goals would be to “keep it together” but this year certainly proved to be a year of survival.
This was a super weird year for many things, fashion included. I vacillated between taking advantage of sales (hello, new denim) and purging a lot of my closet. It became abundantly clear that we need so little to get by. However, the emotional value that fashion provides for me remained constant. Knowing that clothes are communal – and being greatly enriched by that emotional bond – I found myself wearing ridiculous outfits to the grocery store just to feel.
I did make some fun purchases, like these, in brown.
Pro tip: Nordstrom hides certain online items during sale season. In order for these items to be viewable, you must have them saved in your Wish List. I was able to score these at 50% off because my Wish List notified me they went on sale. If you tried to search for them on the website, they were nowhere to be found. Only people who had them saved to a Wish List could access them until Nordstrom opened them up to the public.
Moving Forward
I would be remiss not to mention how hard the world was hit this year. I know I don’t need to tell you, but the physical, mental, emotional, financial and social impact our world experienced in 2020 was profound.
It is not lost on me that people lost loved ones, their livelihoods and more. My heart goes out to all – not a single person has been immune to the effects of 2020. I appreciate each and every one of you for coming back to read this blog, engage with me and share your thoughts. I’m sending you all well wishes and hopes for a wonderful start to 2021.