While I’m very happy with my decision to stay home (I have a sick baby that needs caring for), I am really bummed that I will be missing my favorite time of year.
I’ve been attending NYFW every season (February and September) for the past 6 years. The ritual has not only become something that I cherish, but it’s a part of my vernacular. It’s in my DNA. It’s what I do. So to not have it, is well… sad.
Last year I wrote a post about how NYFW has changed over the years. You can read it here. While the fanfare and peacocking has evolved, the core message of the week has remained. It’s about the clothes. It’s about the creative expression of visual geniuses. I just LOVE it.
I’ve said before that NYFW is a lot like summer camp. You see the same friends, do the same traditions and make new, everlasting memories. There’s a camaraderie and bond that is unparalleled. THAT is what I will miss the most. Experiencing beautiful chaos with my peers and digesting it together.
Not to worry. I will still recap the shows. It will just be from my couch.
I’ll still share what inspires me, confuses me and what street style makes my eyes light up.
I’ll still shoot and share all of my NYFW looks, even though they contain heavy winter coats. Putting my outfits together for NYFW brings me so much joy. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Here are some of my favorite NYFW recaps from the last 6 years.
My first NYFW
The first NYFW designer I interviewed
The biggest show to date
NYFW Video Diary
Attending NYFW pregnant & the day the stars aligned
The first time my baby attended NYFW
The NYFW outfit that landed me in multiple magazines
Attending NYFW during 9/11
My fave NYFW outfit & the day I met Aimee Song
What was your favorite NYFW moment from over the years?
As always, thanks for following along!