Hailing from Portugal, Katty Xiomara was my favorite designer to show at Nolcha Fashion Week. The first thing that caught my eye from her 40+ piece collection was the expert tailoring. Whether it was a ball skirt with a full silhouette or a cocoon coat with angled edges, everything maintained an impressive and cohesive structure. She used a broad spectrum of prints and fabrics that for most would be impossible to marry, but she completely nailed it. Eyelet and silk florals, geometric embossed sheen with crisp cotton, lace overlay on chiffon – the results were spellbinding.
Take a look at the detailed shots below of her beautiful shirt collars and cuffs. The scalloped edging and intricate geometric details are so unique and have become her signature. And those boots! I love both the flat and heeled styles and will definitely be getting my hands on a pair as soon as they’re released. For more inspiration and to keep up with Katty Xiomara’s work, check out her website.